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WisRef Information

Setting up your GameOfficials account

Click here for instructions on how to setup your GameOfficials account.

TYSA uses GameOfficials to assign games.  There is a self-assign feature available on GameOfficials.  Below are directions on how you can sign up for games via self-assign. 

  1. Log into game officials (
  2. On the top bar of the screen, click ‘Change Identity’.
  3. In the ‘Assignment System Identities’ box, click ‘Switch’ next to 1233 WisRefAssigning Official account.
  4. On the left side of the screen under the ‘Personal Info’ heading, click ‘Self-Assign’. You are now in the Self-assign mode of GameOfficials.

To Filter the List of Games:

  1. Click the “+” (plus sign) next to’ Game Filters’ this will expand the window and display various options.  To display everything in the state, do not use any filters.  Multiple filters can be used at once.
  2. Filter by league: Click on the ‘League’ and select the "SWDL REC LEAGUE."
  3. Filter by complex: Click on the ‘Complex’ link and select "Veterans Park"
  4. Filter by date:
    • Select "custom dates". Games for this season run from April 9th to May 15th. Start with the next most recent games
  5. Click "Reload" to Display games.

To Request a Game:

Under the game, click ‘Request Game’.  Only 5 games may be selected in a 24-hour period.  When ‘Request Game’ is selected an automatic request is sent to the assignor of the game.  This does not mean you are assigned to the game; the assignor will see your request for the game and will decide whether or not to schedule you.  If you are assigned to the game, you will be notified via text or email that you have a new game(s) to accept.  You will then need to log into Game Officials and accept the game.

To Cancel a Request for a Game:

  1. Log into Game Official.
  2. Go into the self-assign area and find the game you made the request for.
  3. Click on the ‘Cancel Request’ link. Your name will be removed from the request.

Self-Assigning Games

Click here for instructions on how to self-assign games.